What is Molarity of 37% HCl?

Molarity of 37% HCl Solution

Hydrochloric Acid is nothing but the hydrogen chloride gas aqueous solution. The molar mass of hydrochloric acid is 36.6 g/mol and the density of 37% hydrochloric acid is 1.2 g/ml.

Calculate the weight of hydrochloric acid for 1000 ml, using the mentioned formula.

Weight = volume x density

Weight = 1000 x 1.2 = 1200 g

So, the weight of 1000 ml of hydrochloric acid is 1200g.

Calculating the amount of hydrogen chloride in the 1200g based on this information.

100 g of hydrochloric acid contains 37 g of hydrogen chloride.

So, 1 g of hydrochloric acid have 0.37 g (37/100) of hydrogen chloride.

1200 g hydrochloric acid having 1200 x 0.37 = 444 g of hydrogen chloride.

According to the calculations described above, the 1000 ml of hydrochloric acid solution contains 444 g of hydrogen chloride.

Then the molarity of 37% HCl is,

No. of Moles = Weight/molar mass

No. of moles = 444 / 36.6 = 12.1311 moles.

What is Molarity of 37% HCl?

What is Molarity of 37% HCl?

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