What is Definition of Osmolality?
Osmolality is defined as the number of osmoles of solute per kilogram of solvent. t is expressed in terms of osmol/kg or Osm/kg.
It is a concentration of the solution expressed as a total number of solute particles per kilogram.
Osmometer is used in the industry to check the osmolality of the product. Here is a operating procedure of osmometer.
Operating Procedure Of Osmometer:
- Turn on the main supply of power.
- Switch on the instrument by using “on/off” switch.
- Clean the temperature sensor with soft, dry, lint free paper or towel.
- Select “Measure” on instrument menu.
- Click on “Produce Ice” icon.
- Wait until the instrument shows “Ready to Measure”
- Click on Measure icon.
- Enter your User ID and password.
- Select a suitable option from display “Begin Batch” or “Single Sample”.
- Fill the 50 μl into a clean and unused measurement vessel through pipette.
- The sample must be pipetted without air bubbles.
- Do not use the used sample vials, always use fresh vials for analysis.
- Place the measurement vessel below the upper cooling system
- Now click on “Single Sample” for single sample and “Began Batch” for multiple samples.
- Move down the elevator down carefully, measurement will start automatically.
- After completion of analysis, instrument will display the result.
- Move the elevator up and wait until the ice convert into the liquid form, then remove the measurement vessel from instrument.
- Clean the temperature probe with tissue roll by gently touch the probe.
- When instrument is in idle mode, always keep temperature in empty vessel.
This operating procedure of osmometer will help to operate Gonotec osmometer, model OSMOMAT3000-D.
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