Calibration Of Osmometer:
3 point calibration of Osmometer:
- Turn on the main power supply and then switch on the instrument by using “on/off” switch.
- Go to measure on display and click on calibrate.
- Click on “Prepare” button to get instrument ready.
- Once instrument is ready perform the calibration by using zero point.
- Pipetted a 50 μl of Milli Q/HPLC grade water into a fresh measurement vessel.
- Measurement vessel cover should be placed front side of the instrument.
- Move the elevator down side. Then Zero point calibration will start automatically.
- Move the elevator up, remove the measurement vessel from the elevator.
- Clean the temperature sensor with Milli Q water using soft, dry, lint free paper towel.
- Again run the fresh samples of Milli Q/ HPLC grade water as per above procedure.
- After completed of two runs of Milli Q water display will show zero point calibration pass.
- Click on the 1st standard and select the first standard solution of 300mOsmol.
- Clean the sensor with Milli Q water/HPLC grade water using soft, dry, lint free paper towel.
- Pipetted 50 μl of 300mOsmol/kg standard into a fresh measurement vessel, mount it and pull down.
- Measurement vessel cover should be placed front side of the instrument.
- Move the elevator down side. Then 1st standard calibration will start automatically.
- Move the elevator up, then remove the measurement vessel from the elevator.
- Clean the temperature sensor with Milli Q water using soft, dry, lint free paper towel.
- Again run the fresh samples of 300mOsmol/kg standard as per above procedure.
- After completion of two runs with 300 mOsmol/kg, display will show 1st standard was successful.
- Click for 2nd standard.
- Clean the sensor with Milli Q water/HPLC grade water using soft, dry, lint free paper towel.
- Pipetted 50 μl of 850mOsmol/kg standard into a fresh measurement vessel, mount it and pull down.
- Measurement vessel cover should be placed front side of the instrument.
- Move the elevator down side. Then 1st standard calibration will start automatically.
- Move the elevator up, then remove the measurement vessel from the elevator.
- Clean the temperature sensor with Milli Q water using soft, dry, lint free paper towel.
- After completion of two runs with 850 mOsmol/kg, display will show 2nd standard was successful.
- Then click on “Finish” button to finish the calibration.
Acceptance Criteria of 3 point Calibration:
- For Zero Point: The value should be within -2 to +2.
- For 300 Standard: The value should be within 298 to 302
- For 850 Standard: The value should be within 846 to 854
Daily Verification:
After 3 point calibration of osmometer, daily verification shall be perform. The verification shall be perform by Using the calibration Of 290 mOsmol/Kg Standard.
Acceptance criteria: The value 290 mOsmol/kg standard should be within 288 to 292 mOsmol/kg.
Osmometer Calibration frequency:
3 point Calibration of osmometer shall be performed once in six months and as recommended by the service engineer after maintenance activity.
Also Read:
- Requirement of conducting stability testing
- What are GAMP 5 software categories
- How to prepare 0.1N NaOH
- Calibration of Dissolution
- Calibration of pH meter
For interview preparation refer YT channel: Pharmabeej