As per FDA there are 50 title of Electronic Codes Of Federal Regulation (E-CFR) In Pharmaceutical.
In this article we will see the all 50 title of electronic code of federal regulation.
Electronic Codes Of Federal Regulation (E-CFR) In Pharma
Out of 50 codes, 21 Code is represented to the Food and Drugs (21 CFR). In FDA, Code is term as a title according to that 21 Title is Food and Drugs.
Codes of Federal Regulation (CFR) are:
Title 1: General Provisions
Title 2: Grants and Agreements
Title 3: President
Title 4: Accounts
Title 5: Administrative Personnel
Title 6: Domestic Security
Title 7: Agriculture
Title 8: Aliens and Nationality
Title 9: Animals and animal products
Title 10: Energy
Title 11: Federal Elections
Title 12: Banks and Banking
Title 13: Business Credit and Assistance
Title 14: Aeronautical and Space
Title 15: Commerce and Foreign Trade
Title 16: Commercial Practices
Title 17: Commodity and Securities Exchanges
Title 18: Conservation of Power and Water Resources
Title 19: Customs Duties
Title 20: Employees’ Benefits
Title 21: Food and Drugs
Title 22: Foreign Relations
Title 23: Highways
Title 24: Housing and Urban Developement
Title 25: Indians
Title 26: Internal Revenue
Title 27: Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms
Title 28: Judicial Administration
Title 29: Labor
Title 30: Mineral Resources
Title 31: Money and Finance: Treasury
Title 32: National Defense
Title 33: Navigation and Navigable Waters
Title 34: Education
Title 36: Park, Forest and Public Property
Title 37: Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights
Title 38: Pentions, Bonuces, and Veteran’s Relief
Title 39: Postal Service
Title 40: Protection and Environment
Title 41: Public Contracts and Property Management
Title 42: Public Health
Title 43: Public Lands: Interior
Title 44: Emergency Management and Assiatance
Title 45: Public Welfare
Title 46: Shipping
Title 47: Telecommunication
Title 48: Federal Acquisition and Regulations System
Title 49: Transportation
Title 50: Wildlife and Fisheries
These are total 50 Title as per Federal regulation.
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Difference Between 21 CFR Part 11 and EU Annex 11
ICH 14 Guidelines in pharmaceutical
Title 21 is a Food and Drugs well-known as 21 CFR.
CFR Title 21 has three main chapters;
Chapter I: Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and Human Services (Subchapters A to L )
Chapter II: Drug Enforcement Administration, Department of Justice (Parts 1300-1322-1399)
Chapter III: Office of National Drug Control Policy (Part 1400-1403-1499)
Chapter I: Food and Drug Administartion, Department of Health and Human Services (Subchapters A to L )
In Chapter I there are Subchapters from A to L as mention below;
Subchapters From A to L
Subchapter A: General Parts (1-99). 21 CFR Part 11 comes under this subchapter.
Subchapter B: Food for Human Consumption (Parts 100-191-199)
Subchapter C: Drugs : General ( Parts 200-299)
Subchapter D: Drugs for Human Use ( Parts 300-377-499)
Subchapter E: Animal drugs, Feed, and Related Products. ( Parts 500-590-599)
Subchapter F: Biologics ( Parts 600-680)
Subchapter G: Cosmetics ( Parts 700-741-799)
Subchapter H: Medical Devices (Parts 800-898)
Subchapter I: Mammography Quality Standard Act ( Parts 900)
Subchapter J: Radiological Health ( Parts 1000-1050)
Subchapter K: Tobacco Products ( Parts 1100-1150)
Subchapter L: Regulations Under Certain Other Acts Administered By The Food and Drug Administration (Parts 1210-1272-1299)
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