In pharmaceutical industry there are multiple processes for registration and renew of food and drug facility. DUNS number is one of the basic requirement. In this article we will understand what is full form of DUNS number? What is duns number meaning? why duns number is required? Does duns number is mandatory?
What Is Duns Number Meaning In Pharmaceutical industry?
According to USFDA for registration of food facility or renewal of food facility it is necessary to have a DUNS number. DUNS number is a facility identification number.
What is full form of DUNS number?
DUNS number is unique 9-digit identification number provided by Duns & Bradstreet (D&B). Full form of DUNS number is “Data Universal Numbering System”.
What is Duns number meaning?
As said above duns number is unique 9-digit identification number which is required while registration of food facility. The Duns number is site specific number for each facility. Each physical location of an entity such as, headquarters, branches and divisions may be assigned by a unique duns number.
Does DUNS number and FDA registration number is same?
No, Duns number and FDA registration number both are different. Duns number is only for facility verification and not a substitution of FDA registration number.
Why Duns number is required?
According to 21 CFR 1.232 (a)(2), all domestic and foreign facility will be required to provide unique identification number. i.e. Unique Facility identifier (UFI). When registering or renewing food facility with FDA, Duns number is only acceptable UFI recognized by FDA.
Does duns number is mandatory?
Yes, the DUNS number is mandatory. All food facilities that are not providing duns number will not able to register or renew their registration and such registrations FDA will remove from the FDA database.
What is Dun & bradstreet do?
Dun & Bradstreet is a place you can go to for information about credit in business and reports on business. They’re best known for their Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) numbers.
These database generate business information reports that cover more than one hundred million companies around the globe. Dun & Bradstreet was established in the 1930s from a merger between the R.G. Dun & Company and the Bradstreet Cos.
Dun and Bradstreet business credit report:
A business credit report is the means by which the ability to fulfill its financial obligations is expressed, if business credit is defined as a company’s perceived ability to make good on its contractual obligations.
Thus, business credit reports provide a clear picture of how a business’ payment behavior has been and how that may impact their ability to meet their contractual obligations.
Often, lenders, suppliers, and potential business partners will rely on these reports to assist them in assessing the risk attached to certain companies. Based on this information, they will determine whether to conduct business with them or not.
Hope you understand the DUNS number meaning and why it is required.