Weighing Of Material Possible Errors:
Weighing Possible errors:
- Wet volumetric flask used (After weighing and transferring the material, added diluent lately)
- Sticking of the material at the neck/walls of the flask.
- Sticking of the material to the butter paper.
- Selection of the sample incase of stability study for e.g. for stability study the selection of the samples from one container only incase of 30’s HDPE counts.
- Selection of equal weights of tablets for the testing lead to inconsistent results.
- Glassware labelling- information may not be clear.
Action plan for possible weighing errors:
- After transferring of the material, the diluent must be added immediately and disperse the material in diluent.
- Wipe the neck of the flask with tissue paper to avoid sticking at neck.
- Transferring the material without touching the wall.
- Usage of the weighing boat for free flowing of the material.
- For stability study select the equal number of samples fron each conatiners.
- Randomely select the tablets so the results shall be consistent even in the multiple time testing carried out.
- Automated printed stickers to be implemented.
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