Difference Between C8 And C18 Column
There are several types of reverse phases columns available in the market such as C8, C18, C4, C1, C-phenyl, C-Cyclohexyl, Cyano, and C-adamanthyl (C-12).
C-18 is also called a traditional reverse phase matrix because it has the highest degree of hydrophobicity. C18 is more hydrophobic than C-8 because the length of carbon is longer.
The reason to choose C8 instead of C18 is because they are looking for a reverse-phase matrix. that has a lower degree of hydrophobicity. Lower hydrophobicity means faster retention for non-polar compounds, therefore non-polar compounds would move down the column more rapidly with C8 than with C18.
Hope the difference between C8 and C18 columns is clear.
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